Your Journey, Your Story
Are you among the community members that have been impacted by The Kroc Center? Amazing things take place everyday at The Kroc, and we want to hear about it. Your stories help inform our community about all of the life changing opportunities happening at The Kroc Center. Sharing your story also helps donors understand the vital role The Kroc Center’s mission plays in the community and helps ensure everyone in need is able to receive a scholarship. Sharing your story can help provide under served children with a scholarship for swimming lessons, or a family with a membership scholarship, so they will be able to afford to have a safe place together to stay active.
Featured Stories

“The Kroc Center has given me and the kids a purpose, a focus and that has been a blessing.”
Angela and her family have made the Kroc Center their second home. When they joined in 2011 Angela was looking for some activities for her kids and her Doctor had advised her to find a safe workout tailored to meet her needs. They began with fitness classes, and then branched out, going to special events, trying new classes and soon became active in Kroc Church. “We are part of every aspect of the Kroc Center…. The Kroc Center has enriched our lives artistically, physically, creatively, emotionally, spiritually – it has bonded us together with all of our different interests and it has bonded us together as a family.”

“At 70 years old I decided to overcome my fear of water.”
My instructor was very patient, helping me to first learn to put my face in the water and then finally getting me to jump in from the side! I then started swimming laps three times a week. But, because of a lung problem, I was having problems breathing when swimming and my son suggested I use a snorkel. I thought it would be cheating but he asked “Cheating who?” So I use a snorkel and track of my laps with clothes pins, moving them to the side to denote laps. My advice to those who haven’t learned to swim, try, try to take lessons. Once you learn, it’s worth it. It’s kind of a challenge, a personal challenge that the elderly can say I’m not old, I learned to swim. I can do things. And I feel good.

“More than 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes.”
This made my mom very worried because her dad died of that. After that doctor appointment, my mom told me that it was time to be active. My parents took me every evening to the Kroc Center. I remember they signed me up for soccer classes. At the beginning, I didn’t want to do it because I didn’t even know how to play. Since then soccer has become my favorite sport. Now, I play soccer for Marrs Magnet School soccer team with Mr. Lopez and for Spz Raptors 1 also known as Bocha’s soccer team. When you visit the Kroc Center, don’t be surprised to find me playing with my friends on the turf. The best part of this is that when I return to see my doctor she says, “Congratulations, you are a very healthy boy!”

“The Kroc Center has helped us immensely in many ways.”
My husband and I, as well my parents, have been motivated to improve our lifestyle and have acquired discipline in the aspect of exercise and maintaining a healthier and active life.
The Kroc Center has also helped with the academic education of our children. We utilize the After School Program and Camp Kroc in the summer. The kids have greatly improved their studies and reading thanks to these programs. The Kids’ Grandparents have benefited as well because they participate in fitness classes and have been able to maintain a healthier lifestyle. It is because of all of the wonderful things the Kroc Center is to our family that we are very grateful to have joined and take part in all it has to offer.

“Once we enrolled Ryan in Kroc Soccer, his entire demeanor changed.”
My son Ryan gets a lot from playing at the Kroc Center. Learning how to take instruction is probably the biggest benefit, at his age, along with learning to win and lose gracefully – traits that he will carry with him for life. Ryan is now managing his time and equipment related to soccer practice and games. He is also paying attention to what he eats and drinks prior to getting on the field. Learning teamwork and social skills are a big plus, too.
Prior to playing soccer, we had tried a few other activities but they weren’t a good fit for him. Once we found the Kroc Center, and enrolled Ryan in soccer, his entire demeanor changed. He became a better student, better at home and much more personable. The Kroc has truly been wonderful for our family.
Share Your Story
Your story is critical to The Salvation Army Kroc Center’s mission. Do you have a Kroc Center story that’s changed your life?
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